How to Become Kudi pos agent

How to Become Kudi pos agent and get pos easily


How to Become Kudi Agent

Becoming a Kudi agent is something you can actually do on your own. You don’t have to go to their head office of any Kudi office nearby to get your work activated. Agents, especially aspiring agents are mandated to initiate all these procedures so that they will start making cool cash, saving up and making investments as well (optional).

Moreover, to become Kudi agent, there are materials that must be in your possession before everything will kickstart without repercussion. It might interest you to know that you mustn’t have POS for a start. Anyone can use mobile phone to startup this business, but when the mobile phone is your source of transactions, ensure that you buy POS print machine so that customers will have evidence of transactions successfully completed. Others are;


Your Bank Verification Number (i.e BVN). See how to get your BVN from your mobile phone here.

Kudi mobile app where the account registration will take place.

National ID which can be your national ID card, voter’s card, international passport, driver’s license, or NIMC.

A valid email address that still receives emails. Kudi will contact you via this email address when necessary.

Your own smartphone.

Then, a mobile phone number.

Becoming An  Agent Using Kudi Mobile Application?

kudi pos app - Turning into a Kudi Agent is straightforward and quick! After you have downloaded the Kudi application, you should simply sign in, fill in your own subtleties, telephone number, and bank subtleties. You would then be able to continue to finance your wallet and begin making exchanges on the go and gradually you may likely become a super agent.


How Kudi Pos Terminal Works?

Every Kudi terminal Pos comes with an interesting distinguishing proof number is designated to each Kudi POS terminal and can be found on the trader duplicate receipt of a POS exchange. Indeed, the POS terminals are free. Notwithstanding, you will be needed to pay a security store/alert expense of  N20,000 and furthermore give an end-of-day exchange report or articulation of record to demonstrate that you can meet the exchange focus on the Kudi POS terminal.


Easy Ways On How To Become Or Get Kudi Pos Terminal In Nigeria.

Maybe then holding back to be qualified in the wake of making various exchanges on the application, which could consume most of the day, kindly look at the means underneath to figure out how to turn it into a kudi Agent.


Visit any of their areas or call their client support number

Kudi branch address 19b Bosun Adekoya Street in Lekki Phase 1 in case you're in Lagos

Get the specialist's structure, round it out, and send it in.

Make a nonrefundable N20,000 installment to the Office

And finally, your application will be thought of, and your POS will be conveyed right away and your Kudi pos terminal will be mapped as soon as possible, When you accept your POS terminal, kindly affirm in the event that it has been planned by a Kudi Field Representative who conveyed the POS to you, If it has not been planned, the Kudi Representative will do that as soon as possible.

kudi pos customer care.

Having any issues or inquiry contacting Kudi pos customer care, use any of the provided details below.


Kudi Email Line: Support@Kudi.Co

Adress No. 19b Bosun Adekoya Street, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Nigeria. 01 888 5008

Kudi Facebook page:

Kudi twitter help line:

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