How to get kudi pos easily, charges and requirements


Kudi is an Agency Banking Network that provide all banking and financial services to reach the underbanked and unbanked customers in the rural areas.

Kudi Agent Reguirements

There’re certain criteria you must meet before you can become a Kudi agent. Hence, to get started as a KUDI Agent, please ensure that you have the following:

1. Photo Passport

2. Id Card

3. Utility Bill

4. Bvn

How To Become a Kudi Agent

The first step is to download the KUDI app on playstore and register on the app with the information above.

How To Get The Pos

After A successful Registration on the Kudi app downloaded from playstore, all you have to do is to fund your kudi wallet with #20,000.
The 20,000 will be deducted from your wallet as a caution fee, the 20,000 caution fee is refundable anytime you return the pos in good condition with the complete gadget.

What You Can Do With The Pos

You can carry out the following transactions on kudi pos as a kudi agent.
1. Atm card withdrawal
2. Transfer/deposit
3. Atm card balance
4. Bills payment
5. Airtime

Kudi Charges On Every Transactions

Kudi Customer care Contact


19b Bosun Adekoya Street, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Nigeria.

United States

1776 Sacremento St Apt 311 SAN Francisco CA 94109

Phone: 01 888 5008

Email: Support@Kudi.Co

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